Mar 7, 2011

[twitter] Mar 06

  • 12:28  RT @Swedish_Damian: Jesus! Shittiest MF final EVER!!! I don't believe it's for real...
  • 12:28  RT: #melodifestivalen voting scandal - the numbers were the wrong way around for Love Generation & Jenny Silver!
  • 12:31  RT @scandipop: SVT have just emailed the running order for the Melodifestivalen final......1. Danny, 2. Sara Varga, 3. The Monikor, 4. B ...
  • 12:31  RT @scandipop: 5. Linda Bengtzing, 6. Nicke Borg, 7. Swingfly, 8. Sanna Nielsen, 9. The Playtones, 10. Eric Saade
  • 12:42  ぬおおおぉぉ... ま、予想通りではあるけど; ジェニーもラブジェネもいないのか… RT: Melodifestivalen 1. Danny, 2. Sara Varga....8. Sanna Nielsen, 9. The Playtones, 10. Eric Saade
  • 12:50  再入場できたらいいのに。。。 やっぱ凝ったステージにしちゃうと後ろにまわされる気がする; ぅー 悩むなぁ〜
  • 20:35  RT @scandipop: So here's what happened at last night's Melodifestivalen then...
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