Jul 26, 2011

[twitter] Jul 25

  • 04:10  RT @tommcfly: Shiiiit!!!!!! just got woken up by bloody earthquake. That could be small if you're used to it but it was bloody scary for ...
  • 04:15  トムのとこ行ったんだw RT Danny: Sh**ing myself & ran to toms room!! just been in an earthquake!! thought there was someone under my bed shaking it!!
  • 04:35  RT @tommcfly: I was straight out of bed standing naked in under the doorframe. That's what they do in the movies right? Not naked of course.
  • 07:48  www RT @mcflyharry: Whoever invented jet lag needs a slap.
  • 07:49  わかるww RT @stillnsync: I just like to watch Pop and go.. okay there's Wade... there's Joey... there's Wade... now Joey...Wade..Wade...Joey...
  • 12:05  RT @tommcfly: Space Mountain in Tokyo was bloomin wicked! Laughed so hard at Dan and Harry's heads wobbling around in front of us.
  • 12:15  どーいうことw RT @planetjedward: Guess WHAT! there is an interlocking door in our room john opened it and there is people just woke up! so funny!
  • 12:54  明け方寝起きかうるさくて起きた所に部屋を開けられ、家具移動したり騒がれたり…隣の人やホテルのが迷惑w RT #Jedward : kinda like evidence just in case this person goes all ninja and attacks us!
  • 18:49  RT @scandipop: And here it is in full - Martin Rolinski's 'Blame It On A Decent Matter'; http://t.co/8Aa3m6X
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